1. What is the meaning of LOT type LPG cylinders?
- LOT stands for Liquid Off Take.
- LPG stand for Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
There are two types of cylinders which one gets in the market
- VOT cylinders: LPG as vapor is discharged
- LOT cylinders: LPG as a liquid is discharged. These cylinders have a LOT valve mounted on them which sucks out the liquid LPG and passes it to the vaporizer. The vaporizer as the name suggests, converts it into vapor which is then passed on to the burner.
2. What is the discharge rate of LOT (liquid) LPG from each cylinder?
The discharge rate of the liquid LPG is 4 – 5 kgs/hr from each cylinder depending on the ambient temperature and the percentage of propane and butane in the cylinder.
3. What capacities do LOT cylinders have available in the market?
Government companies provide LOT cylinders of 47.5kgs and 450kgs. Private companies provide 33kgs and 422kgs.
4. What is the pressure difference in the VOT and LOT Cylinders?
The pressure in VOT and LOT cylinders ranges from 5 to 7kg/cm2.
5. Why should I use LOT type LPG cylinders?
One LOT cylinder discharges 4kg/hr liquid LPG whereas VOT cylinder discharges only 0.5kg/hr and hence use of LOT type LPG cylinders are more beneficial.
By using LOT cylinders, one can get an uninterrupted gas flow and pressure provided the gas bank has been suitably designed.
6. What are the benefits of using LOT cylinders?
- One LOT cylinder discharges 4kg/hr liquid LPG whereas VOT cylinder discharges only 0.5kg/hr
- By using LOT cylinders, one can get an uninterrupted gas flow and pressure provided the gas bank has been suitably designed.
- Constant pressure is attained.
- Maintenance cost is bare minimum.
- Very less chance of residue gas.
- Space issues are solved.
7. Why is LOT preferred over VOT?
VOT is not preferred for the following reasons:
- It consumes a lot of space.
- Chance of residue gas.
- Installation costs are high.
- Suitable only for low consumption rate.