LOT Systems

LOT stands for “Liquid Off Take”. LOT systems are for those clients who need a large volume of LPG as LOT systems can cater to volumes up to 250kgs per hour.

In the case of LOT systems, liquid LPG is drawn from the LOT cylinder via a LPG manifold system. The liquid LPG passes into a LPG vapourizer. The off take rate in a LOT cylinder is 4 – 5 kgs of LPG per hour. As a result, the number of cylinders connected to a LPG manifold system can be reduced.

LOT systems comprise of filters, hoses, non – return valves, LPG manifold system, gas pipelines, LPG vapourizer, pressure regulating stations, safety fittings, slam shut of valves, safety relief valves, gauges and more.


Schematic View of LOT Cylinder Installation for Industries

LOT cylinder installation

 Advantages of LOT Installations

  • Pressure is constant.
  • Optimum utilization of gas.
  • Minimal maintenance cost.
  • Space constrain issues are solved.
  • PESO approval is not needed for installations under 8000kgs.